Sycamore Medical Clinic

Family and Internal Medicine

Partnering With You

Sycamore Medical Clinic has a strong sense of personal and professional values. We are committed to serving our patient’s needs, providing access to quality healthcare, respect and dignity, and compassion, as well as education, wellness, and community service.

Our primary objective is to help each individual achieve and maintain optimum health. Too often, good health is taken for granted. Only when ill do many persons realize what a valuable asset good health truly is. Being well – or staying healthy – is no accident; it requires the commitment of both the individual and the physician.

We hope to be your guide and partner in maintaining your health. We emphasize prevention of disease states, but when disease does occur, we provide diagnosis and specialized treatment for most medical problems confronted by adults, adolescents and pediatrics. As a specialist in Internal Medicine, we are uniquely qualified to provide both primary medical care from adolescence through old age and technically advanced care for complex medical problems.
Communication is a key element of our practice. Talk to us. We are here to listen and help you, as much as possible. It is our belief that you are best served by being well informed. If you are given a diagnosis or a recommended treatment that you do not understand, please ask questions. We expect our patients to follow recommendations given to them to the best of their ability. You can expect our providers and staff to stay informed of changes in the science and business of medicine and utilize technology advances such as electronic medical records.

Celebrating 30 Years!

At Sycamore Medical Clinic, internal medicine physician Michael Gorby, MD, PA, and the team provide comprehensive health care to adults and teens living in Palestine, Texas, and throughout Anderson County.

Sycamore Medical Clinic is a privately owned medical practice featuring a team of experienced doctors and nurses. The providers take pride in their work and understand that each individual has unique medical needs.

The team is committed to providing access to quality health care. The providers are respectful and understanding and treat each patient with dignity and compassion.

Adults and teenagers can access a variety of general and preventive medical services, including acute and chronic disease management, internal medicine, primary care, telemedicine, and annual wellness visits. The practice also provides, lab testing, ultrasound imaging, and weight management.

The Sycamore Medical Clinic team is active in the community. They love educating patients about the importance of nutrition, exercise, and healthy living.

To achieve whole-body health and improved quality of life, partner with the team at Sycamore Medical Clinic. To make an appointment, call the office!

Primary Care

Primary medical care service encompasses the initial point of contact for individuals seeking healthcare, serving as the cornerstone of the healthcare system. It involves comprehensive and continuous healthcare for individuals, families, and communities, focusing on preventive care, health maintenance, and the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. Primary care providers, such as general practitioners, family physicians, and internists, offer a broad range of services, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, screening tests, and management of common health concerns. They also coordinate care with specialists when necessary and emphasize patient education and empowerment to promote healthier lifestyles and disease prevention. Overall, primary medical care plays a vital role in promoting overall health and well-being while addressing the diverse healthcare needs of individuals and communities.


Primary medical lab services are fundamental components of healthcare, providing crucial diagnostic information to support patient care and treatment decisions. These services encompass a wide array of laboratory tests and analyses conducted on various biological specimens, including blood, urine, and tissue samples. Primary medical labs employ advanced technologies and methodologies to perform tests ranging from routine blood chemistry panels and microbiological cultures to specialized genetic and molecular assays. Results generated by these labs aid clinicians in diagnosing illnesses, monitoring disease progression, and assessing treatment efficacy. Additionally, primary medical lab services contribute to preventive care by facilitating early detection of diseases and identification of risk factors. Collaboration between laboratory professionals and healthcare providers ensures accurate and timely test results, ultimately improving patient outcomes and promoting overall health and wellness.

Acute and Chronic Disease Management

Acute and chronic disease management services are integral components of healthcare aimed at addressing various health conditions throughout the continuum of care. Acute disease management focuses on the rapid diagnosis, treatment, and resolution of short-term illnesses or injuries, such as infections, injuries, or acute exacerbations of chronic conditions. It involves prompt intervention, often in emergency or urgent care settings, to alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and restore health. On the other hand, chronic disease management involves the ongoing care and support for individuals living with long-term health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or asthma. It emphasizes a comprehensive and holistic approach, including regular monitoring, medication management, lifestyle modifications, and patient education to optimize health outcomes, prevent disease progression, and enhance quality of life. Chronic disease management services aim to empower patients to actively participate in their care, fostering self-management skills and promoting adherence to treatment plans.

Integrated care models often combine acute and chronic disease management services to provide seamless and coordinated care across various healthcare settings. Multidisciplinary teams, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals, collaborate to develop personalized care plans tailored to individual needs and preferences. By addressing both acute and chronic health conditions comprehensively, these services strive to promote wellness, prevent complications, and improve the overall health and well-being of patients.

Internal Medicine

Internal medicine services encompass a specialized branch of healthcare focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of complex adult health issues. Internal medicine physicians, often referred to as internists, are highly trained medical professionals who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting internal organs and systems. They possess broad knowledge and expertise across a wide spectrum of medical conditions, ranging from common ailments to rare and complex diseases.

Internal medicine services provide comprehensive and personalized care for adult patients, emphasizing a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of various bodily systems. Internists conduct thorough assessments, order diagnostic tests, and develop tailored treatment plans to address each patient’s unique health needs. They manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, while also addressing acute illnesses and coordinating care with specialists when necessary.

In addition to clinical care, internal medicine services prioritize preventive medicine, health promotion, and patient education to empower individuals to maintain optimal health and well-being. Internists play a vital role in disease prevention through routine screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle counseling, helping patients adopt healthy habits and mitigate risk factors for chronic diseases.

Overall, internal medicine services serve as primary care providers for adults, offering comprehensive medical care that encompasses the breadth and depth of adult medicine. Through their expertise, internists strive to improve patient outcomes, enhance quality of life, and promote long-term health for individuals across the lifespan.


Medical ultrasound services are essential diagnostic tools utilized in healthcare settings to visualize internal organs, tissues, and structures using high-frequency sound waves. This non-invasive imaging technique provides valuable information for diagnosing a wide range of medical conditions and guiding medical interventions. During an ultrasound procedure, a trained technician, known as a sonographer, applies a gel to the patient’s skin and moves a handheld transducer over the area of interest. The transducer emits sound waves, which bounce off internal structures and produce real-time images displayed on a monitor.

Medical ultrasound services offer numerous advantages, including the absence of ionizing radiation, making it safe for patients of all ages, including pregnant women. Ultrasound imaging is particularly useful for examining abdominal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder, as well as the female reproductive system, including the uterus and ovaries. It is also commonly used to evaluate blood flow, detect abnormalities in blood vessels, and guide procedures such as biopsies or injections.

Overall, medical ultrasound services are versatile and indispensable tools in modern medicine, offering non-invasive, real-time imaging capabilities that aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various medical conditions, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes.


Telemedicine services revolutionize healthcare delivery by leveraging telecommunications technology to facilitate remote medical consultations, diagnosis, and treatment. This innovative approach transcends geographical barriers, enabling patients to access healthcare services conveniently from their homes or any location with internet connectivity. Through secure video conferencing platforms or mobile applications, patients can consult with healthcare providers in real-time, discuss their symptoms, and receive expert medical advice without the need for in-person visits.

Telemedicine services offer numerous benefits, including increased access to healthcare for individuals residing in rural or underserved areas, reduced travel time and expenses, and enhanced convenience for patients with mobility limitations or busy schedules. Moreover, telemedicine promotes continuity of care by facilitating follow-up appointments, medication management, and chronic disease monitoring remotely.

Healthcare providers also benefit from telemedicine services by expanding their reach, improving efficiency, and optimizing resource utilization. They can conduct virtual consultations, review medical records, and collaborate with colleagues across specialties to deliver comprehensive care to patients. Additionally, telemedicine enhances communication and patient engagement, empowering individuals to actively participate in their healthcare decisions and adhere to treatment plans.

Although telemedicine cannot replace all aspects of traditional in-person care, it serves as a valuable complement to conventional healthcare delivery models, especially in situations where physical distancing or access to care is challenging. As technology continues to evolve, telemedicine services hold immense potential to transform healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and promote greater health equity on a global scale.

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